Easily identify and target every visitor on your website

Easily identify and target every visitor on your website

Easily identify and target every visitor on your website

Use Fibr’s advanced targeting rules to uniquely identify and target visitors to personalize your website for every audience. 

Use Fibr’s advanced targeting rules to uniquely identify and target visitors to personalize your website for every audience. 

Use Fibr’s advanced targeting rules to uniquely identify and target visitors to personalize your website for every audience. 

audience building, dynamic landing pages, website personalization
audience building, dynamic landing pages, website personalization
audience building, dynamic landing pages, website personalization

Backed by leaders from


 Elevate engagement, drive conversions

Convert more traffic into leads by tailoring your website for each persona


Build hyper-targeted custom
audiences with ease

Build hyper-targeted custom audiences
with ease

UTM parameters

Utilize Fibr's UTM or custom parameters to target visitors by referral sources, delivering personalized content for each audience segment.

utm parameters
utm parameters

Location identification

Identify visitor locations accurately and effortlessly deliver regional content seamlessly for an enhanced user experience tailored to their geographical preferences.

location identification
location identification

Technology-based personalization

Customize website experiences based on device types, browsers, and more, ensuring optimal engagement across all platforms.

technology based personalization

Cookie data utilization

Leverage first-party cookies to recognize repeat visitors and deliver unique content tailored to each visit and specific preferences, boosting conversions. 

first-party cookie based personalization
first-party cookie based personalization

Become a better
marketer with Fibr

Move faster

Edit, click and launch personalized experiences in minutes, no coding needed.

Move faster

Edit, click and launch personalized experiences in minutes, no coding needed.

Keep consumers happy

Delight your visitors with increased ad to page relevance effortlessly.

Keep consumers happy

Delight your visitors with increased ad to page relevance effortlessly.

Grow profit, not budget

Drive higher ROI and lower CAC by delivering personalized experiences, reducing bounce rates.

Grow profit, not budget

Drive higher ROI and lower CAC by delivering personalized experiences, reducing bounce rates.

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SeamlessAI Inc

8 The Green, Dover, DE 19904 USA

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